On Saturday I replaced the motherboard of my computer because my old motherboard wasn't working anymore. Everything went well, and after some tries my PC was booting and working! I noticed the CPU fan was making a lot of noise. I downloaded cpuid hwmonitor. The CPU was in idle state at 50 - 60 degrees Celsius. And the CPU fan was running at 6700 RPM!

After reapplying thermal paste two times (first time the pea method, then the card method, and then again), the CPU is still hot, but not that hot. If my PC isn't doing anything, my CPU is around 30 - 40 degrees Celsius. But it is getting hot very fast. And the CPU fan runs about 4000 RPM. When I start a program, the fan goes to 6000 RPM.

I downloaded and installed speedfan to try and change the CPU fan's speed. I can see the temperature of my CPU and I can see how fast the fan is going. This fan isn't noted as "CPU fan" or something but as Fan 1. The fans are listed like this:

Fan 1: 0 RPM
Fan 2: 0 RPM
Fan 3: 0 RPM
Fan 1: 3500 RPM
Fan 2: 0 RPM
Fan 3: 0 RPM
Fan 4: 0 RPM
Fan 5: 0 RPM
GPU Fan: 1400 RPM

Why all those fans? I have only three fans (CPU, GPU, Power). In speedfan I can control only the GPU fan. And all the others aren't doing anything when I change their values.

My question:
How can I make my CPU cooler and make my CPU fan make less noise and RPMs (my computer is clear of dust)? It would also be nice to know why speedfan isn't working.


  • Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 Rev 1.1
  • CPU: AMD FX-8120
  • CPU Fan: Stock AMD fan
  • GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6850


  • Windows 7

Note: I turned off Smart Fan for speedfan.

Edit: I fixed my problem. I had to replace my amd stock fan with a better one. I bought this one:


Thanks to this video:


I want to thank you all for your help and time you spent on helping me!

  • what brand/model of thermal paste? Commented May 6, 2015 at 10:21
  • My thermal paste's brand is "cooler master"
    – joel
    Commented May 6, 2015 at 10:27
  • @Psycogeek I followed thousands of tutorials about speedfan and i know how to use it(I can control my gpu fan with it). But my cpu fan isn't controllable. As far as i know.
    – joel
    Commented May 6, 2015 at 10:30
  • 1
    The program is rather old, and your MB is not old, If there is not a online configuration for it, then it probably is not supported. I can control only my GPU with it too. Not genuine , is only because you replaced the motherboard, that will be fully fixable. The gigabyte board has thermal fan control, and software for thermal fan control. if either of those were set wrong, it could cause the fans to go wild. BUT you have said that it is running too hot, so you would want to address that problem , like only, and first.
    – Psycogeek
    Commented May 6, 2015 at 10:42
  • When you removed the heatsink the first time did the goop show that it was indeed seated flat , and all evenly squished down?
    – Psycogeek
    Commented May 6, 2015 at 10:44

1 Answer 1


From the description it looks like faulty thermal control of the motherboard. Also, it's not clear for me: did you applied just enough thermal paste or were generous with it?

Solutions I see right now are:

  1. Update BIOS of your new MB. Quite often that does the trick on both cpu running too hot and fan not working correctly.
  2. If you used a lot of thermal paste it's not good. Paste is not good thermal conductor, you should use as little as possible. In essence, it should fill micro-cracks and other imperfections ion the contact surfaces of both cpu and heatsink. If you did that already (use minimum amount of paste that is), no issue.
  3. Fan may have developed a fault. If #1 option is unsuccessful, check with other fan that is known to be working properly (just for tests, so it may be old one). But the cpu is mite too hot, so it may be it's just compensating for that.
  4. Are you sure you connected the fan to the cpu_fan connector? I know... But better to make sure. You have quite a lot of connectors there.
  5. Make sure you placed and locked the heatsink correctly.

I know most of what I wrote is really basic stuff, but please believe me, I made all of the errors above at one time or the other. If all that fails, it may be that new MB is faulty... I've seen that happen as well.

Windows not genuine is normal after MB replacement - you need to contact Microsoft on that. They will sort it out.

EDIT: afterthought - did you set up BIOS settings of new MB to default? Maybe it's overclocking the CPU on current settings?

  • Thanks for your answer i'm going to update my bios although i don't know how. I haven't used much thermal paste and connected it properly to the cpu and pins. Hopefully its fixed after the bios update. Thanks.
    – joel
    Commented May 6, 2015 at 11:35
  • It's not that bad nowadays. Pretty much automatic and if not, it's usually well explained. Go to Gigabyte website, search your mobo and download bios update. And then follow instructions.
    – AcePL
    Commented May 6, 2015 at 11:39
  • I'm on gigabytes website, my motherboard and then downloads. Download type BIOS. Do i have to flash my bios? Wich on do i have to download? gigabyte.us/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3907#bios
    – joel
    Commented May 6, 2015 at 11:50
  • Yes, you have to flash BIOS. How to do that: there is a guide above top right corner of the list of versions under the link "Reflash Motherboard BIOS". I don't understand why the newest version is Beta since Dec'13, but anyway, skip that one. Go for next newest (that would be F8).
    – AcePL
    Commented May 6, 2015 at 12:03
  • Okay, Is it a big risk to flash your bios? You mean f7? There only is f8f and thats the beta. Thanks
    – joel
    Commented May 6, 2015 at 12:11

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