Question => Is there a way to see the number of bytes sent and received or the transfer rate of a particular process using NETSTAT in windows ?

Explaination - netstat -ab => shows the process with its name and IP and Port. netstat -sp IP => shows the total number bytes transferred by all the processes.

I want to see the Bytes transferred of a Particular process.

UPDATE - Is there any other command except NETSTAT, through which I can do this ?

1 Answer 1


I'm afraid not. the -s switch shows protocol statistics, not stats per port. The available protocols for -sp are tcp, udp, icmp, ip, tcpv6, udpv6, icmpv6, or ipv6, so you can't dig down to port/process. See the details for -s and -p here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff961504.aspx

Internally Windows uses the IPHLPAPI.dll, calling the appropriate method for each protocol specified. In the case of TCP it calls GetTCPStatistics which returns the MIB_TCPSTATS structure. This structure is not capable of storing per port statistics. I believe that the values you are seeing are coming from the dwInSegs and dwOutSegs members.

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