I'm building a Go-Agent that's deployable via chef to AWS (to give you some context) Part of that is installing Msysgit and as I look it's been 1 hour and 3 mins since it's started trying to install it. I fF however you go onto the box and type cinst msysgit it installs with no problems.

Any ideas on what's causing it to hang?

2 Answers 2


It could be several reasons, including the particular installer wanting to be interactive. If this happens only with particular packages, I would move towards that being the issue. But I've heard of other things that seem to get no priority when run as a background job.


Apologies! I meant to post this but kinda forgot about this.

It was fixed by installing the version below it, suddenly the problem went away; specifically we moved from version '' to '1.9.5' and it installed.

I'm still not sure what cause it but that was the fix.

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