I know that for finding the minimum of non-zero cells in Excel, I can use


But what if I would like to find the minimum of non-zero & non-adjacent cells?

  • non adjacent meaning the one to its right is empty?
    – Eric F
    Commented Jan 8, 2015 at 16:49
  • no, it means a sparse sub-matrix of a full matrix
    – hossayni
    Commented Jan 9, 2015 at 10:45

2 Answers 2


If you have a collection of non-adjacent cells like A2,C2,F2,H2 and J2 containing positive numbers or zeroes then this formula gives you the smallest non-zero value


You can also name your collection of cells, e.g. List and then use that list in the same seup, i.e.



Here is how one finds the number closest to zero when some of the non-contiguous values are positive and some are negative. For example,a1,b5 and f15 contain the values -1,2 and -5. The formula should return the value -1.

Tom Ogilvy at https://www.atlaspm.com/toms-tutorials-for-excel/ answered the question:

For the specific question you asked, this would return -1


entered with Ctrl+Shift+Enter. You can adjust the CHOOSE({1,2,3},A1,B5,F15) (which replaces the C7:C20 in the original formula) to include more cells. For example if I wanted to add Z20 and AA4 I could use CHOOSE({1,2,3,4,5},A1,B5,F15,Z20,AA4). Each cell would need to be listed individually. so you could not have CHOOSE({1,2},A1,B5:B20)


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