I followed the advice of numerous tutorials to enable the "Console lock display off time-out" setting in advanced power options, and I have changed my currently active plan to time out after 1 minute on the lock screen:

Advanced power settings

My problem is, it simply doesn't seem to work. I press OK, then press WinKey+L to lock the display, yet the monitor doesn't turn off after one minute. Is there some AD policy that could be overriding this, and if so, how do I check what that policy is set to? Or why else might it not be working? I even tried restarting the machine but to no avail; the problem persists.

2 Answers 2


⚠ If Turn off display after is set to Never, it will also prevent Console lock display off timeout from turning off the display.

From https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/65592-change-lock-screen-display-off-timeout-windows-10-a.html


Console lock timeout is intended to only lock the session, the same thing as pressing W-L. The screen sleep time is different.


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