my monitor is not being detected by my computer. this problem has come after i updated my graphics card drivers. my card is an old gtx 460 and its drivers had never been updated and so were at 258.something so ive updated them to 332.21 (still not the latest i know) but after the update the monitor wasnt displaying anything, so using a remote desktop application, i realised the computer was thinking its display was vga, how do i manually change it to dvi?

thanks in advance

  • The first step, remove the display drivers, what happens then?
    – Ramhound
    Commented Aug 12, 2014 at 11:38
  • then the monitor works at 800x600... do i reinstall the drivers? or should i find a specific monitor driver? what do i do now? Commented Aug 12, 2014 at 12:27
  • You can try installing the monitor driver. Does Winows detect a generic or specific monitor?
    – Ramhound
    Commented Aug 12, 2014 at 12:36
  • neither, its really strange, in "printers and devices" there isn't a monitor there, ill download the drivers from the lg website and then try and install them Commented Aug 12, 2014 at 12:48
  • ok so when that didn't work i did a system restore and reinstalled the very latest drivers (340.52 released 2 weeks ago) and now it recognises that annoying "generic php monitor" -.- ive downloaded and tried to update the drivers but it says "windows detected the drivers are at the latest version", how do i fix this anyone? Commented Aug 12, 2014 at 13:02

1 Answer 1


Try going to the menu on the monitor and scroll through and find the option to change it. I just updated to the latest one, 340.xx,so you do have some old drivers.The Nvidia.com offers an automatic search for the right drivers.Hope it helps

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