Is there any way to disable windows 7 toast notifications?

The toast notification which comes when there is any incoming message on Lync or any Information for other software such as McAfee and the like... I would like to disable all such kinds of notification if possible...No notifications at all


PS: I tried from the notification area (system tray) and tried to customize it by selecting "Hide icon and notifications" but to no affect...Any way to turn all notifications off?


1 Answer 1


Unlike other OSes that have a centralized notification system (like Mac OS or Linux distributions) Windows 7 doesn't have one, so each program uses its own code for its notifications and you'll have to manually disable them inside the program's preferences.

  • ok...thanks...just a thought...can we do so by using win apis maybe..?
    – kewal
    Commented May 21, 2014 at 12:08
  • What do you mean ? As far as I know there's no notification APIs in Windows 7 (Windows 8 may have one though), but these "notifications" are just normal windows (maybe without title bars and custom controls) so if you can code you can definitely make a program that will detect such windows and automatically close/hide them.
    – user256743
    Commented May 21, 2014 at 12:14
  • @kewal - You cannot disable toast notification on a system level. Each application has to implement it. Likewise its up to the application to allow you to disable it.
    – Ramhound
    Commented May 21, 2014 at 14:10

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