I open "This PC", and right click to to "Pin this program to taskbar". Now there's a shortcut to explorer in my taskbar, but when i click it, it takes around 10 seconds before the explorer window is showing.

If i click "This PC" in my start menu (3rd party software) it opens immediately.

Does anyone know why it's so slow to open when i use the shortcut in the taskbar?


3 Answers 3


My guess you have a network mapped drive, or a energy efficient hard disk drive that needs to spin up in its firmware before reporting that its active to the file manager.


You can try this fix:

  1. Go to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar, where the taskbar shortcuts are stored. (The IE team developed the idea, hence the path)

  2. Right click on File Explorer, and click properties.

  3. Change the path to C:\Windows\explorer.exe.

Source - PokeOracle


You should possibly try restarting your explorer, like this: press Ctrl + Alt + Esc, select Explorer in the list and click Restart.

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