How can I, in Windows and/or Linux, take data from a TCP stream and rebroadcast it on UDP to a specified multicast group?

The stream data will need to be chopped into chunks of 500 bytes or less. The TCP connection requires basic authentication.

1 Answer 1


What you are asking doesn't make sense.

The point of TCP is to create a connection. That means data flows to and from both endpoints.

Multicast is one-to-many transmission with no expectation that the many will hold a stateful conversation back. Multicast is primarily for things like media or notification delivery.

If what is coming across TCP is a media stream of some sort, you may look into some sort of transcoding utility that can convert to a multicastable form. I'd bet ffmpeg could do this somehow, but don't know for sure.

  • It is for NTRIP data.
    – Brannon
    Commented Feb 21, 2014 at 18:56

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