How can I remove the theme for just one slide in microsoft powerpoint? Assume I have applied a theme which has picture. Now I want to remove that for just one slide because the contents have overlap with pictures and it is not looking good.

Any idea?

1 Answer 1


You haven't mentioned which version of Powerpoint you are using. This solution works for Powerpoint 2007 and upwards, you can give it a try too.

Step 1: Select the slide for which you want to change the theme

Step 2: Go to the Design Tab / Section and locate the theme that you want to apply, but don't apply it yet

Step 3: Right click on the theme and select 'Apply to Selected Slides'

This will change the theme for that single or multiple slides for which you wish to change the theme..

  • This works, but not if you want to apply a theme from a file (i.e., "Browse for themes"). If you want to do that, you cannot right click on the theme.
    – mikey
    Commented Jul 14, 2020 at 18:39

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