I have numeric data in column P in 50 different sheets ( each sheet has different person name). I have one summary Sheet which has names of all the worksheets in column A. In summary sheet column B against the name, i want to take count from each sheet. The criteria for count is to count all cells (in column P of individual sheets) which are having value > 0 or value < 0. IT should not count blank or zero values.

1 Answer 1


Why not a countifs


Throw in some indirect like this:


and just drag it down.

  • Thanks...partly resolved. But i still i am not able to refer to the data in various sheets. I have all sheet names in column A of summary sheet..... how do i refer that ?
    – user283476
    Commented Dec 20, 2013 at 14:22
  • @user283476 updated for the indirect, sorry! Commented Dec 20, 2013 at 14:27

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