I am attempting to repair a 2009 Macbook.

Specs: http://support.apple.com/kb/SP504

At boot a grey folder with a question mark appears. In order to repair the disk, I have tried booting from a Lion Boot CD as well as a Lion USB stick. The Mac fails to recognize the CD when option is held at boot. The USB stick is recognized but eventually returns a blinking question mark when I attempt to boot from it.

Any suggestion on how to proceed, or any advice? Would this point to logic board failure? Should I try replace the internal HD with a working HD with install of OSX?

  • Please give reason for the downvote.
    – andrsnn
    Commented Nov 13, 2013 at 18:17

1 Answer 1


This turned out to be hard drive failure. I tested it separately and found it was bad. I replaced hard drive and re installed system.

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