There is an option called Anti Surge Support in my BIOS setup. The user manual of my ASUS H87I-PLUS motherboard gives no explanation on it, and I can't get exactly what it is after googling. Could you please tell me simply: what is it used for, or under what circumstances should I enable that option? It is disabled by default.

My rough understanding is, surge happens when voltage supplied is unstable, and a sudden increase of voltage causes a surge. Am I right?

Is there any side effect enabling it regardless whether need it?

  • 1
    You pretty much have a valid understanding of the feature. You still want a quality PSU and surge protector.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 12:59
  • 1
    I can't think of why you wouldn't use this, especially for a computer. However, as per Ramhound says, I'd favour a surge protector (plug) over this, but make sure the surge protector has an LED to indicate the MOV is working. So, I guess both for the win?!
    – Dave
    Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 14:35

1 Answer 1


I can't think of why you wouldn't use this, especially for a computer. However, as per Ramhound's comments in the OP, I'd also favour a surge protector (plug) over this, but make sure the surge protector has an LED to indicate the MOV is working. And, a cheap surge protector will probably only protect you against small spikes, so do your research into them. But, to answer you, I'd use it on the PC as well.

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