I set up a VPN by creating an incoming VPN connection (VPN server) in my Windows 8 machine at home (not a Windows Server).

I forwarded the PPTP port in my router (port 1723) to this machine and enabled PPTP passthrough.

In a second Windows 8 machine out of home, I created an outgoing VPN connection (VPN client). And I am able to connect to my home VPN, but I don't have access to any home resource or even internet.


My router assigns IP addresses in a range from to So I set up my incoming connection properties (VPN server) to assign IP addresses in a range from to Here is how it looks now:

Incoming Connections Properties

And the VPN client ipconfig /all output looks like this:

PPP adapter Kiewic VPN:

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Kiewic VPN
   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . :
   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
   Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
   DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
   NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled

Still I am not able to access any service in my home network, including ping command, Remote Desktop, HTTP server, shared files.


However, after changing the IP addresses assigned by the VPN server, the VPN client does not lose internet access when it gets connected (like it was happening before). Attaching Network Monitor to the VPN server shows HTTP traffic flowing through the VPN server.

Looking to the Netowork and Sharing Center at the VPN server, a RAS (Dial-In) Interface connection shows up as Public network. I can't find any way to convert it into Private network. This is how it looks:

Netowrk And Sharing Center

ICMP traffic is allowed on Public and Private networks in the VPN server. Still I cannot ping the machine.

The Server VPN ipconfig /all output is this:

PPP adapter RAS (Dial In) Interface:

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : RAS (Dial In) Interface
   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . :
   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
   Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
   NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled

Screenshots before UPDATE 2:

  • VPN server:

    enter image description here

  • VPN client:

    enter image description here

  • you don't have default gateway, set it. Commented Oct 20, 2013 at 23:48
  • @MohsenPahlevanzadeh How can I set up a gateway? If I go to the vpn connection properties, click on Networking, select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and click Properties, I only see the option to set "IP address", "Preferred DNS server" and "Alternate DNS server".
    – kiewic
    Commented Oct 22, 2013 at 18:55
  • What is the output from the ipconfig on your client VPN machine now, after your update edit to the question? Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 15:37
  • UPDATING: The IP address is, subnet mask remains and gateway remains emty.
    – kiewic
    Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 17:46
  • @Kiewic If the behavior of the client changed when you changed the IP range for the clients, perhaps you might make just a try to see what happens when, instead of using a predefined range, you choose "Assign Ip addresses automatically using DHCP". Commented Oct 30, 2013 at 19:21

4 Answers 4


Here are two articles on establishing VPN in Windows 8.
Please comment on how they compare to what you have done to create that VPN.

Windows 8 - How to configure PPTP with Windows built-in client on Windows 8
Windows 8 VPN Get Connected

The IP address of type 169.254.x.x means that Windows wasn't able to contact a DHCP server and allocated its own temporary address.

Set the client's IP address to a static IP of 192.168.x.x so as to place it on the same network as that established by the VPN server. Otherwise, the one is not fully accessible to the other.

  • 1
    These articles only talk about the client side. I have already done that. I don't see any difference with what I have already done. My guess is something is missing in the server side. I am running the VPN server also in a Windows 8 machine, not a Windows Server machine. There is an old arcticle here. The problem is, after connecting to the VPN, I do not have internet access or access to other resources in the VPN. Thanks.
    – kiewic
    Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 14:56
  • Whilst this may theoretically answer the question, it would be preferable to include the essential parts of the answer here, and provide the link for reference. Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 16:40
  • @CanadianLuke: For the moment this doesn't appear to answer the question.
    – harrymc
    Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 16:45
  • @harrymc Canned response; saw it was just links only, and figured you weren't spamming Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 16:48
  • @Kiewic: IP of type 169.254.x.x means that Windows wasn't able to contact a DHCP server and allocated its own. Try to set the client's address to a static IP of 192.168.x.x so it is on the same network.
    – harrymc
    Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 17:01
  1. Open the properties page for your vpn connection.
  2. On the networking tab, select "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" and click [Properties].
  3. Click [Advanced]
  4. Uncheck "Use default gateway on remote network"

Hope that cures it.

  • 1
    Does this refer to the client or the server?
    – Burgi
    Commented Jan 5, 2016 at 16:20
  • This answer helped me. I was trying to establish the connection to the Internet while I had my Internet on, but unfortunately to no avail. I used this answer and I managed to successfully connect to the VPN with my Internet connection turned on. Commented Aug 23, 2023 at 8:19

You need to configure the network address settings. On the server, you can either point it to your DHCP server (router), or have it hand out a range of addresses. It's needs to be in the same range. Reconnect after setting it, and you should feel like you're on your LAN.

What I did on my Windows 7 server was assign a pool of 20 IP addresses, in the same range as my home network. So choose the second radio button, then type an IP address that is within your LAN, but not given out by your router. Then fill in the last box, and the second should fill itself in.

To find out what IP address range to use, open a Command Prompt window (Windows+X, select Command Prompt), and type ipconfig /all and press Enter. Look at the IPv4 Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway. If it starts with 192.168.x.y, and the Subnet Mask is, you have a standard Class C subnet. I would probably choose a start IP address of 192.168.x.200, and ending IP address of 192.168.x.220. The third number can be anything, as long as it matches the third number of your IP address.

If after all this you still can't get connected to your LAN, try checking your Firewall settings. Each firewall is different, so you may need to Google the software/hardware you're using for specific instructions. Make sure that it allows your SMB traffic (port 138/139/445) through, and likely, your DNS traffic (port 53)

  • What do I need to point to the DHCP server?? I am adding a screenshot of the server properties to my question.
    – kiewic
    Commented Oct 21, 2013 at 5:38
  • @Kiewic I updated the answer Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 16:41
  • IP address doesn't seem to be the issue (at least not the only one). I updated my question, I will double check the Firewall and let you know.
    – kiewic
    Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 18:05
  • What about manually adding the gateway on your client computer? Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 18:39

On the server, make sure that the right interface is selected to get DHCP, DNS and WINS server information. for both ipv4 and ipv6. That was the issue with me, every time the network cable is disconnected from the server or from the router, windows server changes the interface for some reason.

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