I have 4 large photos (2448x3264). I'd like to make them into a GIF of the same size with 4 frames separated 100ms.

I've tried various software off the net (Free Gif Maker and the like), but they all seem to limit the dimensions to relatively small sizes.

How can I make the GIF that I want?

1 Answer 1


imagemagick is an open source (free) command line utility that allows you to convert images:


Here's a tutorial on GIFs: http://www.tjhsst.edu/~dhyatt/supercomp/n401a.html

The command you're looking for is "convert"

convert -delay 20 -loop 0 sphere*.gif animatespheres.gif 

(-delay is in ms, -loop is optional)

This will take all of the source frames and will make them into one animated GIF image called animatespheres.gif. The -delay 20 argument will cause a 20 hundredths of a second delay between each frame, and the -loop 0 will cause the gif to loop over and over again.

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