• I have a Linux Centos 6 server in the garage without a monitor or keyboard, and it does not hold any sensitive information.
  • My wife has a Windows 7 laptop which she surfs the Internet, checks emails, uses MS Word, and pays bills online.
  • My 10 year old Daughter wants to play Minecraft on the laptop, spent the past 2 weeks earning money to buy the base program, and now needs to download various executable programs.

I am a little nervous about my wife surfing the Internet on the same Machine that she pays bills, but I am very nervous about my Daughter running executables, so I told her last night she couldn't play Minecraft on the laptop, and she burst off in tears.

Without buying a new PC, what options do I have to be reasonably safe? I am thinking of creating a virtual box on the Linux server, install Windows and Minecraft on it, and somehow letting access that platform via the laptop and play her game. Is this possible, will it contain most viruses, and if so how? Thank you

1 Answer 1


Minecraft is a virus-free game, so your daughter can safely install and play it on laptop. You don't need to worry about that.

Anyways, there is also a java runnable file for Minecraft, too. You can try installing JRE first, and then run the .jar file. This way your daughter won't run executables!

  • Evidently, there are plugins or modules you can download to fly on a dragon or something similar. How do I know she is going to the right site to download them? Commented Oct 5, 2013 at 15:24
  • if you want your daughter to download plugins/modules from a specific site, you can use a parental control software to prevent access to any website except that specific site. Commented Oct 5, 2013 at 15:28
  • @user1032531 just forbid her from going to those sites.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Oct 5, 2013 at 15:39
  • @Ramhound. How do I know which sites? They look innocent enough, but I do not have the time to research each to that level. If I take this stance, I need to forbid her from going to any site. Commented Oct 5, 2013 at 16:02
  • 1
    while the official minecraft is virus-free, there are plenty of scams that pretend to be tools or replacement clients. not all are bad, but it's important to be ware when downloading anything that's not the official client
    – user16973
    Commented Jul 1, 2014 at 2:05

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