I'm using the links browser and trying to connect to an HTTPS site. I then get:

Verification failure: certificate has expired

this is "fine" (i.e. was decided to be tolerated) for this internal-only service, and other browsers allow to dismiss the error and try again.

How can I achieve the same in links and ignore the condition, that is: create an exception about the validity of this certificate.


1 Answer 1


I've used this version for testing:

links from twibright labs

Just tried with the argument :

links.exe https://expired.badssl.com/ -ssl.certificates 0

And the alert is not coming, so Is a kind of creating an exception.

  • 4
    thanks for the answer, but that "RTFM" isn't very kind. I hope you realize that there are various versions of links floating around. I can hardly post the complete man page here, but links: links2(1) and links(1) and links2(1) for Debian. Please be so kind where in those man pages I did not read thoroughly enough. Commented Feb 26, 2016 at 12:23
  • 5
    My links2 doesn't have this option (Ubuntu 14.04)
    – blee
    Commented Feb 29, 2016 at 22:43

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