I never use the Right-Alt key. But I need a button that does the same as pressing the right-mouse button.

  1. How to change the function of the right-alt button?
  2. How to assign the function of the right mouse button?

This is only about Photoshop in Linux. Word can only assign keys to existing actions.

The point of this is to edit merge fields without using the mouse.


2 Answers 2


Write a tiny AutoHotKey script to remap Right-Alt to Shift+F10

*RAlt::Send +{F10}

Copy the code to a new text file and save it as something.ahk. Convert the script to an executable with Ahk2Exe.exe which is shipped together with the AutoHotKey installer.

Some unnecessary explanations

  1. The script (.exe) will reside in your windows tray and wait for a trigger action.
    Pressing the key *RAlt is the trigger
  2. :: stands for assigning a function to the trigger
  3. The called send function is for simulating a +{F10} key press.
    The preceding + sign stands for the Shift modifier and {F10} of course for the F10 key

Find more details on AutoHotKey help pages

  • First, I tried SharpKeys which is a GUI for remapping keys via registry. But I haven't found out how to map key combinations.
    – nixda
    Commented Aug 9, 2013 at 17:30

I found a way to get the context-menu: Shift + F10 http://windowsitpro.com/windows/how-can-i-show-context-menu-without-right-mouse-button

Still using the right-Alt would be better, the real solution probably lies somewhere in Windows, if someone can answer point 1 or 2, I will accept that answer.

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