I am trying to share a folder between Lubuntu 13.04 (in VMware player) and Windows 7 64 bit. I followed a tutorial till step 16. I typed a command and saw nothing. I also went into the /mnt/hgfs folder and saw nothing there. How do I fix this ?


Command -

dir /mnt/hgfs


By the way, this is how I actually reached step 16.

Step 12 - sudo apt-get install hgfsclient Step 14 - If it does not work, then follow this tutorial - http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/03/how-to-quickly-install-vmware-tools-in-ubuntu-13-04-raring-ringtail/ Step 16 - STUCK !!!

1 Answer 1


Sorry if I am being offtopic, but I can't help you with that problem.

An alternative way you could share files between the OS'es would be sftp, and mount your linux machine on Windows.

Install : http://winscp.net/eng/index.php

and mount your Linux machines folder [email protected]:/mnt/hgfs or whatever folder you wish to share.

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