Is there a way when opening SQL Server Management Studio to also open databases along with it. For instance, I usually work on a minimum of 6 databases during an usual day, and if I could get the SQL Server Management Studio to automatically open those database, so the only thing I need do is select which one I'm going to use, that would be great.

Does anyone have an idea on how to do this?

1 Answer 1


There are some command line arguments you can use to start SQL Server Management Studio and connect to a specific database directly, as pointed out on this blog post.

To see the command line options, type ssms /? at the command prompt.

enter image description here

So you could save one command line in a shortcut or batch file to quick connect to a database. To avoid storing password in plain text, logging with the -E option to use Windows Authentication is advisable.

Unfortunately each command line spawns a new instance, at least on SQL Server 2008 R2 I tested with. I have not found a way to open multiple connections on the same SQL Server Management Studio window.

Hopefully, it can still help you save some time.

  • @Frank You're welcome. Please mark as answered if you are ready to.
    – mtone
    Commented Jun 13, 2013 at 17:51

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