I use byobu on a virtual server (uname -a shows Linux mezgrman 2.6.32-5-openvz-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Feb 25 01:16:25 UTC 2013 x86_64 GNU/Linux).

When I log in to the machine via SSH and byobu isn't running, it starts automatically and brings up one window, as expected. But when I log out and log back in then, byobu asks me:

Byobu sessions...

  1.  5003.pts-0.mezgrman (05/21/2013 12:37:22 PM) (Detached)
  3.  Create a new session

Choose 1-3 [1]:

I haven't started a second session though! The most annoying problem here is that after I choose any of the listed sessions, sometimes some of my windows are gone!

I'd be happy if someone could help me fix this.

1 Answer 1


This looks like a bug in Byobu itself, in its listing of sessions. It should see that first session, labeled "1" and connect you to that one automatically. Please file a bug at http://bugs.launchpad.net/byobu with your specific Byobu version number and I would be happy to fix it for you.

Full disclosure: I'm the author and maintainer of Byobu.

  • You seem to know more about this, can't you do this yourself? I'd probably not get it right anyway… And I think I'll use tmux for now.
    – Mezgrman
    Commented May 21, 2013 at 17:40
  • At the very least, you have to tell me what version of Byobu you're running... Commented May 21, 2013 at 21:42
  • 1
    I now filed a report: bugs.launchpad.net/byobu/+bug/1182776
    – Mezgrman
    Commented May 22, 2013 at 7:36
  • Thanks! And I've committed a fix to trunk. It'll be in the 5.42 release. Cheers! Commented May 22, 2013 at 22:31

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