I use Autohotkey for all my Windows scripting, but would like to use something that could apply to a Mac as well. Without having to write it in multiple languages. And having it compatible with Linux wouldn't hurt either. Is there such a thing? I'd want to use it for file manipulation, OS operations specifically, and hotkeys/mouse gestures would be nice as well.

If not, wouldn't it be possible to create a single language, then have a separate Windows and Mac interpreter that would implement the command according the the OS running it? Then use conditional statements in which there aren't equivalent features/funtions on each OS?

If the above doesn't exist, is there something close, or two languages similar in syntax making it easy to implement on both platforms?


** Found tons of answers soon after posting this. Stack Exchange had more than enough info when searching for cross OS scripting **

4 Answers 4


Haha, googled the wrong keywords I guess.

Python (with the right modules) can support hotkeys, take screenshots, and plenty more. That'll probably be what I go with.

I won't list everything here, but if anyone else is curious, Stack Exchange has plenty of Q&A on this topic.

  • Bash/Shell if you install UnixTools or Cygwin will then run on Mac/Windows/Linux.
  • Python, Ruby
  • Beanshell (http://www.beanshell.org/) is also a good choice. There are some Robot class in Java you can use for GUI interaction and many other 3rd party packages.

As for "If not, wouldn't it be possible to create a single language, then have a separate Windows and Mac interpreter that would implement the command according the the OS running it?"

Well that's what a scripting language is. The above answers are example of what you are saying.


Perl is installed by default on just about everything but Windows. In the *nix world, it is probably still the most widely used non-shell language for all sysadmin tasks.


dozens, like java and python, as a bare start.

  • 3
    Java is not a scripting language. Commented Apr 28, 2013 at 0:34
  • true, but it's still something to consider, i was probably tired, was thinking perl, i dunno, basic, f no, povray, not in this situation.
    – jamesskaar
    Commented May 4, 2013 at 16:41

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