I am missing /tmp/mysql.sock. It has signature srwxrwxrwx. Is it possible to create this file by hand?

  • 4
    Presumably you're missing the socket because mysqld either isn't running or isn't attempting to read from that socket. Creating it by hand isn't going to fix that. Commented Feb 26, 2013 at 23:05

2 Answers 2


This is more of a MySQL question. The mysql.sock file should be created when you start mysql using mysql.server start. Restarting your server should create the file properly. If it doesn't then there's a chance that the server isn't set up to listen over a socket.


A while ago a friend of mine told me of an issue with a missing socket file. He was using a custom configuration file /etc/my.conf that was somehow troubling mysql. When he removed the my.conf file and restarted the mysql server the socket file appeared again.

After a little search with this keywords I found a discussion on a blog post, where some people reported almost exactly the same problems, maybe you can get some more ideas there. Some people however had the file, but in a different location.

However, if mysql does not create the socket file at all, it will not help you creating it by hand.

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