Clickpads have mouse buttons integrated. I always lay one finger on the (left) button (to be ready to press ;). The problem with this is, that I prevent myself moving the cursor with my finger if I lay one finger on the virtual left button.

How can I disable touch sensitivity on the bottom area of the clickpad that integrates tha button?

1 Answer 1


Please look at this link. It gives help for Linux users to disable the lower area of the click pad, https://askubuntu.com/questions/221664/how-to-tune-touchpad-for-smaller-area.

  • Thanks for your hint. Setting synclient AreaBottomEdge=<N> to non-0 really makes a bottom area touch insensitive and leaves it clickable. But in my case, the upper area does not react on touch when laying a finger on the bottom area. Commented Oct 3, 2014 at 17:26

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