How many 2560x1600 resolution monitor can Eyefinity support? AMD states it can support up to 6 monitors but they don't state the resolution.

  • An eyefinite amount. Commented Feb 2, 2013 at 0:45

1 Answer 1


7680 x 3200 resolution grouping three displays wide x two displays high with landscape orientation using 2560x1600 display resolution for each monitor (24.6 megapixel resolution)

The ATI Eyefinity tech brief explicitly mentions this setup, so you should be good :) Just make sure you have enough displayport outputs.
Edit: And here's that resolution running on a single card back in 2009, if you wanna see that.

And I can see your other SU questions have related to this, so here: the easiest way to get an absurdly high resolution running off 1 card is probably a 7870 with 6 dp outputs, like this one. Not that cheap for a gaming card, but very cheap compared to the pro stuff... and, actually, really cheap compared to the cost of 6 WQXGA monitors anyway. Or, for that matter, one WQXGA monitor.

And here are the possible layouts, screenshot of the Eyefinity setup page. (Oh, there's also a 5x1 vertical resolution that was just added, for 8000*2560 with these monitors, but it's not in the setup page yet.)
Eyefinity layout

Edit: For a non-gamer (programmer, perhaps?), there isn't really an advantage to Eyefinity, and you don't have to worry about layout really, so you could actually put 6 monitors side-by-side if you wanted, or any other layout, just as separate monitors instead of a single hires display. But this is a bit out of the question scope.

Up to 6 displays supported
Independent resolutions, refresh rates, color controls, and video overlays


  • But, will this card support 6 2560x1600 monitors? If yes, then Eyefinity can support 6 2560x1600 monitors? Commented Feb 1, 2013 at 21:07
  • Yes, it should. The first part answers that. Commented Feb 1, 2013 at 21:08
  • So, Eyefinity can support a max of 8192x8192 using a max number of 6 monitors. If this is correct, I can't add 6 2560x1600 monitors one next to other because the resolution will be (2560x6 = 15300) 15300x1600 and 15300 is way off 8192. But I can add up and 3 down having a total resolution of (2560x3 = 7680) 7680x7680 witch is withing the limits of EyeFinity. Correct? Commented Feb 1, 2013 at 21:15
  • Right, you can't do 6w*1h 15360*1600. You can do 3w*2h 7680x3200, as well as the just-added 5w*1h sideways 8000*2560. Commented Feb 1, 2013 at 21:23
  • Thanks a ton! Something final: the screenshots you posted have numbers on the displays 1, 2, 3, 4. What do those numbers mean? Commented Feb 1, 2013 at 21:28

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