
somehow I downloaded and installed spyware or malware. I do not know. I know that if I write somethin in field where you put as a website link I get web engine results but not by google but fastaddressbar.. It is part of websearch toolbar. Most of them was blocked and added to quarantine by my antivirus comodo however I still do not know how restore fast search in firefox to get results from google. Please help :(

enter image description here


5 Answers 5


In the top bar, type about:config. In the search bar on the page, type browser.search.defaultenginename. Double-click the value that appears, and enter Google in the window that appears. Click "OK" and restart Firefox. Your search engine is now Google!

  • yes but after restart i have again this malware :/ no mather what I set there or just click reset value
    – deadfish
    Commented Jan 6, 2013 at 21:54

Go to Programs and Features in the Control Panel and look for an entry there. Also, go to Firefox > Add-ons > Extensions and remove it if it is installed there. Source credit: http://www.pcrisk.com/removal-guides/6953-remove-fast-address-bar

  • yes but this is just a homepage, i dont want also see this malware site when i search any text inputting this into field with link. I made an arrow what I was talking about
    – deadfish
    Commented Jan 6, 2013 at 21:26
  • Updated answer and included a link that may help.
    – K.A.Monica
    Commented Jan 6, 2013 at 22:06

Uninstall it from Add/Remove Programs if it shows up there, then run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free to clean your PC, and finally if it's still there, reset Firefox (be sure to read that entire page before doing it).

  • in add/remove programs was nothing which could be connected with this program, i tried spbybot but he doesn't help :/ I will try this Anit-Malware...
    – deadfish
    Commented Jan 7, 2013 at 8:13

You can try this, it was useful for me: How to reset the address bar so it would work as a Google Search bar again? | Firefox Support Forum

When you enter a search term in the Firefox location bar and press Enter, Firefox will per default do a "I'm feeling lucky" Google search and redirect you to the first result that matches your search term. This behaviour can be changed by a number of add-ons. If you'd like to restore the previous default behaviour, please follow these steps:

  • Enter about:config in the Firefox location bar and press Enter.
  • You should see a warning that making changes to the Firefox configuration can be potentially harmful to Firefox's integrity. Click the I'll be careful, I promise button to continue.
  • In the Search box at the top, enter keyword as the search term. You should see a few remaining items, one of these is keyword.URL. It should be bold.
  • Right-click on the keyword.URL setting and select Reset from the dropdown menu.
  • yes, but as I said few posts ago that after restart I have again the same settings with that ugly malware fastadressbar
    – deadfish
    Commented Jan 10, 2013 at 22:08

I suggest you use a program called ADw Cleaner. This program is very effective at removing annoying toolbars. I have used it in the past to get rid of the annoying Babylon toolbar amongst other addons, which it did, and also in very little time.

Click on Download Now @BleepingComputer at the following web address:


I'm positive it will solve the problem.

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