I use a number of different computers with varying OSes at home and at work. I would like to be able to read my RSS feeds both places and have both places updated with read items, bookmarks, etc. I would also like to avoid web-based applications; I just don't seem to get along well with any of them. (I've tried Google Reader, Bloglines, Alesti, and News Alloy, among others, and they all have things I don't like. Not that a native app will automatically be better.)

I suppose multiple distinct readers that all synchronize with the same source would be fine, too. I'm most interested in Windows and MacOSX, but I would like for there to be a Linux client, too.

4 Answers 4


You could try FeedDemon (Windows) and NetNewsWire (Mac), both sync trough Google Reader, so you don't have to use the web-interface. Both apps will do bookmarking (starring) and full read/unread syncing.

There are also clients for mobile devices which sync trough Google Reader, like NetNewsWire for the iPhone or the build-in one on the Android platform.

Haven't seen an Gnome / KDE app for Google Reader syncing.

  • +1, this is what I use. It also has the benefit of being able to use Google Reader if you don't have a desktop client available.
    – jtbandes
    Commented Oct 10, 2009 at 23:48

You could use Firefox add-ons like Feedly, which is quite nice and can sync via Google Reader.

  • I don't really want a "a fun, magazine-like start page", but thanks. I would also prefer a separate application. Firefox is taking up too much of my memory and CPU time as it is.
    – wfaulk
    Commented Oct 8, 2009 at 20:48

I'm looking at RSSOwl 2.0 now. It supposedly has support for running multiple instances against a single config directory (when given the -DmultiInstance flag), and I'm working on a shared space to see if it can work with a high-latency config directory. (Dropbox didn't work, unsurprisingly.)

  • I can't get it to work. Remote filesystems slow it down immensely, and lack of file locking will cause it to exit. It's obviously not meant to work this way.
    – wfaulk
    Commented Oct 9, 2009 at 13:54

Found Scoop, which is an Air application, so it works "everywhere".

I don't like its UI, though. Maybe it will improve.

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