I decided to disable the "real time protection feature" of MSE. Now I have this little annoying "feature", that MSE keeps me informed that I have disabled "real time protection":

the little red warning symbol down in the systemtray

How can I disable that warning? some registry hacks? I have seen 49336 (a valid option), but I only want MSE to be quiet about the 'threat of disabling real time protection'.

3 Answers 3


You can disable it by removing msseces.exe from HKLM's CurrentVersion\Run key; easily done with Autoruns. The scheduled scan is a task that runs a separate process.

(I'm being deliberately vague about how exactly to disable it to avoid corruption of the innocent.)

Update: Killing the process msseces.exe removes the tray-icon, no matter what state the program is in right now. MsMpEng.exe is the binary that does the real work (and it is called the same on Windows8 as well).

  • i don't want to disable mse (or windows-defender now on windows8), i want to not see the warning that i disabled the realtime-protection part of mse/wd.
    – akira
    Commented Aug 8, 2013 at 8:46
  • msseces is just the desktop UI that registers the tray icon, and shows the dialogs that let you configure it. Like I said, the scheduled scan (what you have left when you disable realtime protection) is a task that runs a different executable. Commented Aug 8, 2013 at 9:34

Short of removing/hiding the tray icon, you can't disable that warning. It's also a good choice for a security software to be "in-your-face" about it, as real time protection is important to most users.

  • 1
    well, one can discuss about the decision to 'offer disabling rtp' in the first place and THEN complaint constantly about it...
    – akira
    Commented Oct 2, 2009 at 6:15
  • 1
    The ability to disable it is supposed to be just used temporarily (eg if you have trouble installing a program, sometimes your are sometimes asked to disable rtp to see if it is causing a conflict).
    – sgmoore
    Commented Oct 5, 2009 at 19:35
  • then m$ should provide a "disable for 5 minutes" button. that would be ok. but not this "yeah, you will disable it but we keep you bugged and bugged and bugged about this till you switch it backon"
    – akira
    Commented Oct 5, 2009 at 19:58

I don't have MSE installed here, so I can't test this, but when you go to the "hide inactive icons" then click customize, do you get a different entry for mse for when real-time protection is disabled, than for when it is enable or other errors?

You might be able to hide just the one you want.

  • well, the point is: i want to see the trayicon of all the processes which run. and i want (on reasonable events) be informed that something is wrong: i turned of mse rtp because i dont want it, so this warning is pointless. (for me :)
    – akira
    Commented Oct 5, 2009 at 19:58

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