This is my setup:

  • Motherboard: ASUS P5KC
  • Hard drive: Intel SSD 330 series connected via IDE
  • OS: Windows 7 x64

The thing is that after having installed the SSD, on each and every a cold boot, Windows hangs on loading the classpnp.sys driver. It's only visible when booting into the safe mode, otherwise it just freezes. The strange thing here is the fact that restarting the machine solves the problem. In fact, I can start up the PC, instantly restart and everything is fine.

Now, I tried:

  • deleting the classpnp.sys file and letting the recovery DVD restore the default driver file
  • repairing the boot sector of the SSD
  • changing the Plug'n'Play OS support option in BIOS
  • changing the ATA/IDE Configuration (Disabled, Compatible and Enhanced) option in BIOS

... to no avail! What's rotten in the state of Denmark, I wonder?


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