I've installed apache2 and then configure it to work with SSL following this and this tutorials, the problem becomes when I try to restart the service, the following error throws:

(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down Unable to open logs

the output of netstat -anp | grep 443 just display firefox listening and anything else, how could I solve this and get the service running??

The ouput of ps -Af|grep <firefox PID> is:

root 1949 1 11 18:42 tty1 00:20:55 /opt/firefox/firefox-bin root 2025 1949 4 18:43 tty1 00:08:39 /opt/firefox/plugin-container /root/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so -greomni /opt/firefox/omni.ja 1949 true plugin

after closing firefox and then cheking again for port 443 the output is:

tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 FIN_WAIT2 -
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 12443 1721/dbus-daemon @/tmp/dbus-8ee35rmOOS

Seeing the error logs, which are not at the time when I'm doing this, the last errors are:

[Tue Oct 02 18:41:54 2012] [error] Init: Unable to read server certificate from file /etc/apache2/ssl/sever.crt [Tue Oct 02 18:41:54 2012] [error] SSL Library Error: 218529960 error:0D0680A8:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_CHECK_TLEN:wrong tag [Tue Oct 02 18:41:54 2012] [error] SSL Library Error: 218595386 error:0D07803A:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_ITEM_EX_D2I:nested asn1 error

  • What is listening? Firefox? Left to the firefox there is a PID. Try ps -Af|grep <that PID> and see what is this exactly
    – Serge
    Commented Oct 3, 2012 at 2:46

1 Answer 1


From the link pointed by you:

Complete these steps.

  • @poz2k4444 You need to take server.crt and put it into /etc/apache2/ssl/
    – Serge
    Commented Oct 3, 2012 at 3:57
  • Could you please repeat the steps starting from "Generate a server key and request for signing (csr)." of 1b)
    – Serge
    Commented Oct 3, 2012 at 4:04
  • I've done everything again and it works, well kinda, I can access to the page but it says it's not secure, what could be the problem?
    – poz2k4444
    Commented Oct 3, 2012 at 5:07
  • @poz2k4444 try https : //server/page (without spaces)
    – Serge
    Commented Oct 3, 2012 at 5:09
  • I'm trying with localhost, https://localhost and it doesn't work
    – poz2k4444
    Commented Oct 3, 2012 at 5:58

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