I'm totally new to dual booting but I need it so please help me partitioning my hdd.

I just got my new laptop with Windows 7 installed and I want Ubuntu with that.

I have one 750 GB hdd with 2 partitions: OS(C:\) and DATA(D:\)

I think its easiest to have just one partition for both Linux and Windows data, such as music right?? And further, how much space do my Ubuntu and Windows partitions need?

I believe I also need a swap partition with the same size as my RAM?

If you have other tips or suggestions, please tell me. I really dont know much about these sorts of things.


I just noticed I have 4 partitions:

  • 1 OS
  • 1 100% free data
  • 1 100% free recovery partition
  • 1 100% free that says boot, swap, crashdump, primary partitiom. (i believe because its translated)

What to do with this?

3 Answers 3


This is actually easier to do than you think.

You dont need much space for the windows and ubuntu OSs. The ubuntu livecd has a wizard that can walk you through resizing your windows partition as needed. It will also automatically create the linux swap partition.

I suggest you boot off the livecd and walk through the wizard, it will prompt you before it commits any changes.


Not exactly an answer to your question, but I'd recommend virtualization over dual-boot.

Install one OS on the physical hardware, install a Hypervisor (e.g. VirtualBox) and install the other OS in a virtual machine.

I'd use a single volume for the host OS. Others prefer separate volumes for OS and data, but with Windows I found the attempt to separate OS and data rather futile and with Linux you have a clear folder structure anyway.

Store your data with the host OS and share the folder(s) with the guest OS. In a dual-boot scenario where you share a data partition between operating systems, you'd have to either access a Linux filesystem from Windows (e.g. Ext3), or a Windows filesystem from Linux (usually NTFS; FAT32 is not really an option due to its limitations). Although the ntfs-3g driver has become quite good, I still tend to avoid having to use it on a regular basis.

Linux should have a swap partition, but that partition doesn't necessarily have to be the same size as your RAM. I'm using a 1 GB swap partition on a system with 4 GB RAM. Windows should have a page file on the boot volume, but it also doesn't have to be the size of the RAM. 1-2 GB will normally suffice. Be sure to give the pagefile a fixed size to avoid pagefile fragmentation.

With a 750 GB harddisk you have by far enough space for both operating systems. Windows 7 requires about 10-15 GB, and I'd say Ubuntu needs roughly the same amount.


Boot from CD and when the installer reaches the partitioning step, choose to install Ubutu next to your existing Windows installation. It will then give you a slider with which you can control how much space is reserved for Windows, and how much for Ubuntu.

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