I have bunch of wordpress sites that are hosted in shared hosting environment. As with every wordpress site there are "uploads" directory. I would like to search for potentially malicious files that are within those folders regularly but i dont want to ofcourse do it one by one.

So question is how can i search all "uploads" directories for a file with extension ".php"

For example:

find . -type d -iname "uploads"

gets me all the "uploads" folders in my root directory but i also want to search within those director

1 Answer 1


It's possible to pipe the output from your command to another, but you can search for both criteria at once, using grep and Regular Expressions:

find . -type f | grep -i "/uploads/.*\.php$"

How it works:

  • find . -type f lists all files in the current directory and its subdirectories.

  • grep -i "/uploads/.*\.php$" filters the output:

    • -i makes the search case-insensitive

    • /uploads/.*\.php$ is the regular expression a line has to match in order to get displayed

      • /uploads/ php are exactly that

      • .* is any number of occurrences of any type of characters

      • \. is a literal .

      • $ signals the end of the line

You can achieve the same result with

find . -type f -iregex ".*/uploads/.*\.php"

but the syntax is a hassle if you know Regular Expressions from grep, Perl, PHP, JavaScript, etc.


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