I'm an avid torrenter, and since I'm busy must of the day, having Transmission-GTK run at night is my best option. However, my college server loves to kick people out after either an extended time limit or a download limit on wifi. I needed automation while I was sleeping.

Using Java-GTK and Bash, created a application that brings up a window asking for which VPN to use. It stores the output in a variable and connects it. Then, if the connection was a success it started up transmission.

Now, Ive set up a script that pings every hour on the hour, if it failed, it pings my school network. If that failed kills transmission, then it restarts the network using sudo service network-manager restart. Then reconnects the VPN, and finally restarts transmission. (I know that I can use stop / start but I choose not to). Upon usage, I face-palmed and realized that sudo needed my password as the admin.

I've researched this for nearly a week, looking for some way to give a script root privileges, and I have seen hundreds of warnings and "sudo is the way" comments. I've looked into the sudoers file, tried it, and it hasn't worked (it still prompts for a password for the most basic configurations). I've also looked into creating a C binary telling a script to run with 0 uid, setting that C binary to chmod and chown root permissions. To no avail. (I have not tried daemons as I know very little of C.) (Mostly Bash, and a bit of Java).

Perhaps a script/configuration in /etc/network folder? I don't mind answers that work outside of my original script framework, as security precautions prevent scripts from being rooted.

PS. I'm not looking for warnings as answers, but answers with warnings.

1 Answer 1


sudo is the way

Have you considered running the script itself under sudo?

sudo sh .\myScript

If you add the script to the userlevel (rc stuff), I think it would also run with root privileges.

  • hmmm. I did not... I tried gksudo with it, and it works. So I may keep that, if I don't see a cleaner solution. Also, I had considered rc, but it usually looked far too technical for a 20 minute introduction. ;) Thanks! Commented Apr 6, 2012 at 8:30
  • Most create rc script tutorials I can find only require you to read for like 1 -2 minutes, after which you can just copy paste the code and execute the commands. rc is the proper solution, I don't think there are other cleaner solutions. What distribution are you running? Commented Apr 6, 2012 at 8:48
  • Ubuntu (currently debating between Mint and Debian testing). I'll definitely look into rc tomorrow Commented Apr 6, 2012 at 8:54
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    .\myscript - I sense a disturbing Windows presence... ;-) Commented Apr 6, 2012 at 10:07
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    I created a test script restarting my network five times over 35 minutes. I started the script within a parent script with root privileges with gksudo ./tester2. And it worked! (I'll try rc if I run into problems later on with rooting scripts). Thanks for the help! Commented Apr 6, 2012 at 20:19

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