I'm trying to format IMEI numbers in Excel according to RIM (Blackberry) conventions: XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.X

I enter them in excel without any periods and use the "special format" cell properties so it displays right. This works kind of: ######-##-######-#

However, when I replace the dashes with periods (######.##.######.#) Excel automatically changes it to ###.###.###.###.###, 5 groups of 3. It does this too when I prepend it with a space.

Does anyone know how to disable this behaviour or a workaround?

1 Answer 1


Try ######"."##"."######"."#. Works in Excel 2010. Places literal .s - anything within quotes is literal rather than whatever special meaning it may hold.

An interesting note, Excel 2010, ######.##.######.# displays the 15 digit number as XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX... (yes, three literal dots at the end).

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