I typed %AppData% into the search box in Windows 7 that I get when when I click the Start Button. For some reason, all I see is the Roaming folder, even though I have confirmed that LocalLow and Local folders do exist. Why are LocalLow and Local folders missing from the search box, and how can I fix this problem?


3 Answers 3


Local and LocalLow are not actually in %AppData%. As Hand-E-Food said, %AppData% = %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming.

Use %userprofile%\appdata\locallow and either %userprofile%\appdata\local or %localappdata% or %userprofile%\appdata\ (make sure to add the trailing slash or it won't show up). This also works in Windows 10.

There is no variable (eg %LocalAppDataLow%) by default that points to the low-privilege local profile, but you could easily create one for yourself (you can also create a localappdata variable in XP; for that matter, you can create all sorts of envvar shortcuts to different parts of your file-system).

  • I was just doing a web-search to see if there's been any discussion about environment-variables for LocalLow and found my way back here. (Fortunately this time, my answer was short so I saw my avatar so I didn't like the answer and go to up-vote the answer only to realize it was my own, like has happened surprisingly often. 😂) Anyway, I was going to mention my current solution of just using %localappdata%low as a more-or-less reliable hack (it's possible but unlikely the folders will be in different locations). It looks like Wolfgang already mentioned it a couple of months ago.
    – Synetech
    Commented Jun 3, 2023 at 21:35

As an alternative to quickly get to the AppData\Locallow folder, you can press Windows-Key + R and then enter %localappdata%low This should directly open a new Explorer window with the AppData\Locallow folder for you.

  • Wow, this is the first time I hear about this! It works!
    – Wok
    Commented Apr 1, 2023 at 21:19
  • This is what I currently do (aside from manually making an environment variable). It's a hack, but it's going to be reliable 99.99(more 9s)% of the time since the folders will almost never be in different locations (even though it's possible). It should work for most purposes (eg batch-files). 👍 Whether it works in programs depends on the program, so you'll just have to test it. 🤷
    – Synetech
    Commented Jun 3, 2023 at 21:36

Because %AppData% points to:




From the command line, type Set (variablename) to see what a variable is declared as, or just Set to see all variable declarations.


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