In my professional life, I'm limited to use Microsoft Office. In Excel there is an option ows to render the result of a formula to be pasted as a "fixed value".

For instance A1 = "I",B1 = "ride", C1 = "a" and D1 = "bike"
In E1, I can place a formula to concatenate the values of A1 through D1 to display the sentence "I ride a bike", but if I should copy and paste that cell, I would just get the formula again, both if I write the formula with relative positioning, and if the values in A1:D1 change.
To solve this problem, Excel has "Paste Special > Value", which copies the current value of the cell to the target cell.

At home, I use LibreOffce.
Although I have tried to find a feature identical to "Paste Special > Value" in both LibreOffice and OpenOffice.org, I couldn't find it.
Does anyone know how to do this?


1 Answer 1


Just hit SHIFT+CTRL+V or Paste Special... from the Edit menu, unselect Paste all, and select Text or Numbers:

enter image description here


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