I have a table in HTML having cells storing numbers like 123.0,123.00. When I use ctrl-A to copy the whole page into excel, 123.0 and 123.00 are all changed to 123, which is not something I want to have.

How can I disable/stop all the pre-formatting operation in excel when I am pasting an HTML table to it?

1 Answer 1


I don't think you can stop it from trying to fit the text into the existing formatting of the cell. I tried using Paste Special which usually gives you a bit more flexibility, but even pasting it as Text resulted in the loss of the decimals. With the format of the cell set as General it will hide them.

You can "preset" a block of cells to have the Number formatting (select all of them, right click, click Format Cells..., paste in the data and click the little clipboard icon next to the pasted range, selecting Match Destination Formatting.

enter image description here

  • I tried your method, it works partly, if I choose "number" in the "Format Cells...", the "123.0" is changed to "123", but if I choose "text", it will be OK. Thanks again.
    – lokheart
    Commented Dec 6, 2011 at 2:09

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