i have got a vmware server 2 on centos 5.6 host. I can access my virtual machines from host machine, but i can not access from other machines.

I have configured nat port forwarding. But somehow i have no access to vm using ssh. I have checked all firewall settings and seems right.

What can cause this problem?

best regards, bilal

  • what kind of access doesn't work? Shell or tunnel? Commented Jul 8, 2011 at 16:35
  • shell access. i am using putty for ssh connections
    – bilal
    Commented Jul 8, 2011 at 16:36

1 Answer 1


It is usually easier to configure a bridge between the virtual interfaces and your host-interface. That way all your VMs will appear as real hosts on your network. Make sure you don't have "host-only" networking enabled.

For reference: Vmware: bridged network

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