I have windows 7 netbook. I repartitioned 100GB size and I installed Ubuntu 11.4 on it and boot master is GRUB. Today, I accidentally chose Windows Recover Partition, it loaded up and I exited it right away. The computer restarted and Grub Rescue prompt came up. error no such partition grub rescue >

Can someone help me fix it? I have important data on both Ubuntu and Windows 7 that I need.

1 Answer 1


Your data is still there, don't reformat.

There are lots of things you can try to recover this situation.

Backup | dd

First, use dd to copy your entire drive to another drive as backup, BEFORE doing anything else. This way you'll have something to revert to in case you take a wrong turn.

For Example:

dd if=/dev/hda conv=sync,noerror bs=64K | gzip -c > /mnt/sda1/hda.img.gz

Partition Recovery | TestDisk

The Linux utility "TestDisk" has shown to be quite helpful to me for this kind of thing. Give that a try first.

Booting | Super Grub Disk

You may find Super Grub Disk profoundly helpful if you get your partitions in good shape, but just can't boot anymore.

(edited) Booting | Windows Installation Disk

You can use the Windows Installer to "repair" your Windows installation so it boots again. Then you can fix grub any number of ways. A solution I actually prefer is to just use "EasyBCD" to create an entry point to Grub using the Windows 7 boot manager (which is atypically excellent MS sw).

Recovering if using GPT | gdisk

I've also found gdisk to be outstanding, but if you're not using a gpt partition scheme, then that probably won't help you at all. Though, if you're running out of luck, give it a try, not sure if it'll work with MBR at all.

  • can I use Windows 7 DVD to fix the boot and get to Windows 7 first bootrec.exe /fixmbr bootrec.exe /fixboot bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd Then reinstall Grub using Ubuntu Live USB? Commented Sep 21, 2011 at 22:37
  • Yes, good call, that should be fine - though ONLY if your partition schema hasn't been messed up. And if you're really worried about your data, do that backup first. I've added your suggestion to my answer above. Commented Sep 21, 2011 at 22:49

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