How do I find the list (only prints each time called) of running processes with its CPU usage, and network usage in command line on Windows?

I know tasklist.exe but that doesn't have CPU/network usage.

Any command line tools online that can do this? Preferably those which can also sort according to CPU/network usage.

  • what I want is like perfmon , but running in CLI
    – Irfan
    Commented Jun 9, 2011 at 12:37

2 Answers 2


"typeperf" is your man. Try typeperf /? for the usage. It gives all the counters that are available in perfmon on the command line.

  • I tried the /? flag.. but it doesn't make sense.. can you for eg, give the required lines for showing processes with CPU usage and its network usage?
    – Irfan
    Commented Aug 25, 2012 at 12:16

You can try out PsList utility from SysInternals (acquired by Microsoft now), although it doesn't display network usage.

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