Sometimes when I enable my LAN connection then the System restarts with a blue screen showing "A problem has occurred" and processes something.

Then, Windows restarts properly, but a message appears:

Windows has recovered from a serious problem

with details as follows:

BCCode : 100000c5     BCP1 : 0000000B     BCP2 : 00000002     BCP3 : 00000000
BCP4 : 8054B0BA     OSVer : 5_1_2600     SP : 3_0     Product : 256_1     


Is there any solution to this?

  • Does it work when you boot into safe mode? Could be because of the drivers. You can inspect the .dmp file generated: support.microsoft.com/kb/315263
    – slhck
    Commented May 7, 2011 at 9:09
  • @slhck: sir, my system works properly, there's no problem. this error occurs sometimes. and when the system restarts , there's no problem
    – sqlchild
    Commented May 7, 2011 at 9:17
  • when i enable the LAN connection , then it restarts, a blue screen also appears, and windows boots without any problem, and them am again on the working mode. i mean my windows remains in working condition.
    – sqlchild
    Commented May 7, 2011 at 9:18
  • What I mean is, does the error occur also in safe mode? But anyway, the .dmp file will give you hints to the problem itself
    – slhck
    Commented May 7, 2011 at 9:21


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