I have a Chrome OS netbook that I would like to watch my videos on. Is there some way to stream videos from the cloud (i.e: not my computer) to Chrome? I'm thinking using Amazon S3 but that might not work. Any solution that wouldn't require reencoding my library of mkv files would be the best.

Any solution that would allow me to watch on my iPad would also be great.

1 Answer 1


The ipad solution is airvideo, they have a linux server (which can do live reencoding). As it streams in mp4 / H264 can you use mplayer for playback in chrome?

  • You mean to hose my own server with all the files on there? I checked out their linux server thread, seems too hard and not at all worth it. I already have airvideo for streaming from the computer, need something cloud based now.
    – Mark
    Commented Mar 20, 2011 at 4:32
  • Not hard at all, I run the airvideo server on my home linux box. It could be run "in the cloud". Good luck in finding an alternative.
    – jamespo
    Commented Mar 20, 2011 at 10:26

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