i've been Googling around for a moment on how to create a X.509 PEM certificate and private key for the FTP function in Freenas. I know i can use SFTP but i want to be able to secure the regular FTP protocol using FTP-over-SSL also. I have found how to generate SSH keys and other stuff but nothing specific for X.509 in PEM format.

I would prefer to generate these keys using a website or GUI if possible. I know my way round CLI's but that doesn't mean that i'm a fan of them :)

I have Freenas 0.7.2 Sabanda (revision 5543) which runs on FreeBSD 7.3-RELEASE-p3 (revision 199506).

Thank you

2 Answers 2


Finally found this:


And it worked with a self-signed certificate. Turned out i had to Google for "generate PEM" and not "generate x.509".


Create a DSA key pair:

ssh-keygen -t dsa

Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_dsa):

Enter a different file in which to save the key in. Note this is asking for the name of a file, not the name of the directory, it will also create a .pub file, this is the public key for the above private key.

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