What is a good tool to create geometry figures in elementary geometry textbooks (dealing with subjects such as triangles, circles, Pythagorean theorem and Ptolemy's theorem)?

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4 Answers 4


There is also Dr Geo. From the web site:

Dr. Geo is a GTK interactive geometry software. It allows one to create geometric figure plus the interactive manipulation of such figure in respect with their geometric constraints. It is usable in teaching situation with students from primary or secondary level.

Dr. Geo integrates advanced features as an integrated Scheme programming language to define scripts within a figure. The language is also used to define functionnaly interactive figure.


MS Visio is always a good choice. I doubt it will outperform an application designed specifically for geometry but I do thing it makes up for it in other features that will spice up your drawings.

MS Visio Homepage


I recommend metapost. It produces vector graphics, integrates with TeX for mathematical formulae and captions. I've used it to produce teaching aids.


If it were me, I would use OpenOffice.org's Draw program. It's a simple, free solution part of the OpenOffice project. It lets you draw simple shapes easily enough and then you can put text around the shapes as needed to show the different parts of formulas and such.

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