Is there a way to list all search results of vim in a separate buffer, sort of like what Ctrl-] does when multiple matches are found? Although browsing with n and N is okay too, I believe it might be even faster that way.

3 Answers 3


:grep will use the QuickFix window, which will let you see all the matches and quickly jump between them. For example, :grep <cword> % will search for the token currently under the cursor, within the current file.

  • :grep invokes external grep command so you can use desired grep arguments to expand your search, e.g. :grep -A4 -B2 <pattern> % Commented Jul 28, 2023 at 21:57

from tuxdiary.com

vimgrep (Error List)

:vimgrep pattern %

Use j/up and k/down keys to navigate the list, Enter to select a match.
Traverse the matches in the open file using n and N the regular way.

lvim (Location List)

:lvim pattern %

Navigation is similar to that in vimgrep.

global search


Note that grep got its name from this command sequence!


I have not tried this one, but I've had it bookmarked for a while and it may be fairly close to what you want:


Since it ties into the quickfix system, you can show the matches in the quickfix window; see ":help quickfix-window".

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