I have a site in my internal network that has a valid certificate for it's external hostname (blabla.example.com). But when I access it from my LAN I use it's IP address to connect to it and Chrome emits a warning due to the fact the hostname is different than the one used in the certificate. How can I disable this warning for this site or, preferentially for my whole LAN?

1 Answer 1


acces your site via the external name. for this you have to adjust your dns-resolver to provide the internal ip of your blabla.example.com. since you are a great admin you are able to achieve this :)

(to answer that 2nd part seriously you would have to provide more information about your network-topology or you could search http://serverfault.com)

  • I'm not in control of the network, unfortunately (I share infrastructure with a few other companies). My external DNS resolves for another computer that does the port forwarding. I could start running a DNS server, though.
    – Vitor Py
    Commented Nov 3, 2010 at 13:06
  • 1
    for your own machine you could also go the short-route and set an entry to your /etc/hosts or the windows equivalent C:\system32\drivers\etc\hosts .. look en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosts_(file)
    – akira
    Commented Nov 3, 2010 at 13:33

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