myspectrum app clicked on internet clicked on services manage devices It lists my desktop 10 times each one has a different ip and mac address why does it think i have 10 different devices? It is the same device. my home desktop. Is this normal?

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  • 2
    Can you provide a redacted screenshot?
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jul 2 at 2:54
  • as for the IP addresses, most DHCP servers will attempt to grant the same MAC address the same IP over multiple sessions, as long as there are plenty of free addresses to give out, and the record is only so old. they'll only guarantee that a particular mac will get a given IP if a reservation is configured, but for small networks that is often unnecessary to keep the same IP for a long period of time. So, if the MAC address changes, the IP issued by DHCP is likely to change as well. Commented Jul 2 at 3:24

1 Answer 1


Well, if you're running modern OSes, windows included, they have an option for randomised MAC addresses as a privacy option. Since many routers are going to give a different IP per mac address, its going to see 'each' new MAC address as a different system.

This makes a lot of sense on a laptop or phone since someone could track you by your MAC address at the router in theory. On a desktop you're using at home, less so.

On windows, you can go to settings -> network and internet and turn Random hardware addresses off

enter image description here

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