I am using nano on a remote computer through PuTTY, and when trying to search backward, Ctrl+Shift+6 appears to be having the same effect as Ctrl+6, i.e., Mark Set/Unset.

  • I searched and couldn't find key mapping options regarding Ctrl+Shift combinations

Is there another command to search backward in nano?

  • Do those key bindings work outside of nano (e.g. can you copy/paste via Ctrl+Shift+C/V)? I've never encountered this problem, but can't recall if I'm using the default PuTTY profile or if I customized it - the only other places that would affect this AFAIK would be the Nano RC file, the shell's RC file, or termcap's.
    – JW0914
    Commented 2 days ago
  • This is on a newly installed PC, and the remote computer has not changed. I have previously been able to search backwards on nano via PuTTY. So it looks like an issue with the PuTTY profile.
    – Old Geezer
    Commented yesterday
  • If PuTTY is installed on Windows, please post the output from exported Registry key HKCU\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions\<name>, where <name> is either the saved profile name for that connection or the default profile (if the former, please anonymize it, removing the connection and login info). This will allow a comparison to be done - try this customized PuTTY profile I use, and if it resolves the issue, a diff compare can be done.
    – JW0914
    Commented 21 hours ago


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