I am not sure what happened but after simple reboot the P: drive was not there. enter image description here

At the beginning both disk where showing OK, but with the ERROR on the pool. I did some tests and after that one start showing Warning.

I dont really mind just want to recover the data... I tried EASEUS software to do recover and it did recover but many files are on the FAILURE html report page ! this is damn, as I have some important data on it. I am now trying ReclaiMe .. (EDIT: THIS WORKED AND RECOVERED ALL MY DATA)

Isn't there a simple way to recover the data ? what is the use of mirroring 2 disks ... If I will replace the damaged disk, will I get the pool to work ?

enter image description here

enter image description here

Replacement disk: enter image description here

  • You should be able to view the content is the mirror storage space with only one drive. However, it appears for whatever reason, you were using 2 drives to have nearly 2TB of storage space while you only had 1TB drives which means you would have needed at least 3 drives to suffer a drive failure without data loss. What size were these drives?
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 3 at 5:58
  • Those are 1TB drives. I am also sure none have any failure ... since they are brand new, I did not need 1.34TB of space I think I also fetched 900GB, since I did the two way mirror. where can I see the data beside disk recovery tools ? Can I add anotehr disk and it will recover the drive ?
    – Si si
    Commented Jun 3 at 7:10
  • "where can I see the data beside disk recovery tools?" - If you are unable to view the contents of the drive with File Explorer then you will be limited to recovery tools. A healthy drive does not just drop off a storage pool
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 3 at 10:13
  • @Ramhound I tell you what bother me, it was all working fine, I rebooted the PC and than the issues started.
    – Si si
    Commented Jun 3 at 15:51
  • I’m voting to close this question because TS should simply have waited to see if software he was using would work. Commented Jun 3 at 18:47


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