I want to do some count functions based on multiple criteria. I have a sample dataset here: enter image description here

  1. I want to find the number of Males if BD = MCD or FSGS. For this I tried: =COUNTIF(Gender,"M")+COUNTIF(BD,"MCD")+COUNTIF(BD,"FSGS") But am definitely not getting the correct answer.

  2. I would also like to count Males if Genetic is Negative. For this I tried: =countif(Gender,"M")+countif(Genetic,"Positive") But also didnt get the correct answer.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


3 Answers 3


As eluded by @patkim, you should use COUNTIFS function to obtain the desired results.

To find males whose BDs are MCD, you can try:


To find males whose Genetics are negative:


Note that I have used structured reference for the table.


Here are some alternative ways to achieve using COUNTIFS():

enter image description here

• If the total counts are needed for multiple criteria's then using COUNTIFS()+SUM()


• For Genetic ones:


• Also if you structure your output layout like as in E8:G10 then could use the following to spill:


And if you have access to PIVOTBY() can generate a complete report:


NOTE: I have converted the data range into a Structured References aka Tables so as whenever newer data is added the formula gets updated automatically, as well, I have used defined references with names, which you can identify the ranges.


No need for COUNTIFS.
You can use a simple SUM function. In the below formula, I assumed your data was in a Table so I could use structured references, which will automatically adjust to the size of the range:


In older versions of Excel, this formula may need to be confirmed as an array formula by holding down ctrl + shift while hitting enter


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